All-sky catalog of radio-emitting galaxies

Optical image with radio contours of 2MASX+J06120351-3257472. Credit: DSS, NVSS, S. van Velzen.


This catalog consists of galaxies from the 2MASS Redshift Survey (2MRS) that show radio emission in the images of NVSS or SUMSS. For typical low-power radio galaxies, such as Cen A or M87, the catalog is complete to a few hundred Mpc.

Please open the paper for full details. The reference for this work is: S. van Velzen et al. (2012), A&A, 544, A18. You can also find us on arXiv.


Stamps of the optical+radio emission have been gathered into in one big document (35 MB); they can also be viewed using the convenient HTML catalog:

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Get the catalog (v1.0, 575 rows), each row is one galaxy.

  • Download ASCII table
  • Download FITS table
  • Or use VizieR
  • A list of all radio Gaussians that have been matched to the galaxies is also available in ASCII, or FITS format.


    Catalog description

    The columns of the master catalog (see also Table 1 of the paper):
     2MASX                   Target name of the object from 2MRS database  
     NED_id                  NED id of galaxy    
     ra              (deg)   Right Ascension of galaxy  
     dec             (deg)   Declination of galaxy  
     l               (deg)   Galactic longitude  
     b               (deg)   Galactic latitude 
     Kmag            (mag)   K-band isophotal flux, AB magnitude, corrected for galactic extinction  
     Kmag_err                Uncertainty on K   
     z                       Heliocentric redshift   
     zdist                   Peculiar-velocity corrected redshift  
     zdist_err               Uncertainty on  z_dist 
     D               (Mpc)   Inverse-variance weighted mean of distance from NED-D and peculiar velocity corrected Hubble-distance 
     D_err                   Uncertainty on the former row
     gal_type                Galaxy morphological type code: -9 to 9, encodes Hubble sequence, 98 if galaxy has never been examined (Huchra et al. 2012, Table A8)
     n_nvss                  Number of radio Gaussians matched to galaxy (after manual inspection)  
     n_sumss                 Number of radio Gaussians matched to galaxy (after manual inspection) 
     F1400           (mJy)   Sum of integrated flux at 1.4 GHz of all radio matches (zero if n_nvss=0)  
     F1400_err               Uncertainty on the former row  
     F843            (mJy)   Sum of integrated flux at 843 MHz of all radio matches (zeros if n_sumss=0) 
     F843_err                Uncertainty on the former row   
     Fsyn            (mJy)   Synthetic flux at 1.1 GHz, obtained using alpha=-0.6
     Lsyn            (erg/s) nu L_nu at 1.1 GHz  
     sum_ma          (deg)   Sum of deconvolved FWHM of the major axis of all matched radio Gaussians  
     max_ma          (deg)   Largest deconvolved major axis FWHM of all matched radio sources  
     lim_ma                  Limit flag on major axis (=0 if source is resolved)  
     max_dist_to_gal (deg)   Maximum distance between the galaxy and the radio matches 
     min_dist_to_gal (deg)   Minimum distance between the galaxy and the radio matches 
     contour_dist    (deg)   Distance of the galaxy to the second-highest radio contour (zero if within contour) 
     geo_cen_ra      (deg)   RA of the geometrical center 
     geo_cen_dec     (deg)   Decl. of the geometrical center  
     flux_cen_ra     (deg)   RA of the flux-weighted center 
     flux_cen_dec    (deg)   Decl. of the flux-weighted center  
     class                   Classification based on morphology
    The columns of the catalog with all matches:
     2MASX               Target name of the galaxy from 2MRS database  
     radio_cat           Radio catalog (N=NVSS, S=SUMSS)   
     radio_ra            Right Ascension of radio Gaussian
     radio_dec           Declination of radio Gaussian
     F1400       (mJy)   Integrated flux at 1.4 GHz (zero if radio_cat=='S')
     F843        (mJy)   Integrated flux at 843 MHz (zero if radio_cat=='N')
     maj_axis    (deg)   FWHM of major axis (deconvolved)
     maj_lim             Limit flag on major axis (=0 if source is resolved)  
    To get more information of the radio Gaussians (eg, minor axis) one will have to match to the original NVSS and SUMSS catalogs. We recommend using K3Match for this.

    3D special effects

    Look at the sample in 3D with this rotating cube.